Face Painting at its Best

Pricing Information

Open for business Monday-Saturday.
*Sorry, no Sundays.

Pricing varies, please contact me for a free quote.

A travel fee may apply, depending on your location.

I suggest planning to have 8-10 kids painted per hour. (More detailed paintings take more time.)

If you would like a free price quote for your event, please email me the following information:

  • Type of event (i.e. my daughter, Caitlyn's, 6th birthday party)
  • Event theme, if applicable (i.e. Her birthday party is "fairy" themed)
  • Address of event (If you're not sure, an approximate location will work)
  • Date and time frame requested
  • Your contact information (Email and telephone number)
  • How many guests you are expecting to have painted
A small, non-refundable deposit will be required to book the time-slot for your event.

The signed contract/liability release form and payment (in cash) will be due upfront upon my arrival at the event.

Also, if there will be children attending the event that will not have caregivers present, I will need a release form signed by the parents (giving permission for their children to be painted) as well.

When it's Party Time

Faces need to be CLEAN and DRY
Please wipe noses & mouths before being seated for painting

To assist in maintaining a healthy environment for everyone, 
Please do not participate in face painting if you are sick!
I will not paint anyone who, appears to be suffering from:-
Any rash, or sores on the skin on the area to be painted, including acne,
runny noses, eczema, or appears unwell.

All materials used are FDA approved.
But they can still cause allergic/irritable reactions in some people,
especially if you tend to have sensitive skin.
Use at your own risk!
I will not be held responsible for any adverse reactions to the product.

After the Party

To remove: Wipe clean with a warm washcloth, using mild soap and water

Keep in mind that the paint will sometimes leave a colored residue on the skin, and may take a day or so to fade away completely.